Home »Sen. Inhofe introduces bill to make Ligado pay everyone harmed – GPS World
Image: Office of Sen. Inhofe Blog Editor's Note: Since this was written, 105 companies and organizations sent a letter of support to the bill's sponsors. Read it here. The author of the article is President of the RNT Foundation. Sen. Inhofe introduces bill to...
Extremely accurate time is increasingly critical. This place is in charge of it. – National Geographic
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Interesting article about the UK's capabilities. Also timely since we just did a webinar last week, in partnership with Hoptroff, on timing in the UK with Leon Lobo of the National Physical Laboratory. Look for the recording of...
Verizon Builds Precise Positioning Capability With Senion Acquisition – Location Business News
Image: Senion Blog Editor's Note: With 5G we will likely continue seeing closer alliances and mergers of telecom and PNT. This is likely one of many to come. As another example we note that the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee urged President...
RAND: Federal investment in timing network for GPS backup likely worthwhile – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The author is president of the RNT Foundation. RAND: Federal investment in timing network for GPS backup likely worthwhile June 22, 2021 - By Dana Goward Study’s emphasis, timing of release, work against that, some say Image:...
Positions of Two NATO Ships Were Falsified Near Russian Black Sea Naval Base – US Naval Institute
Image: USNI Blog Editor's Note: This is the first time we have heard of the Russians (1) targeting individual ships and (2) going to the trouble of spoofing them along a track to fake a voyage from one place to another. Clearly tweaking NATO's nose and reinforcing the...
Cybersecurity Experts Push President Biden To Protect GPS Satellites And The Connected Car – Forbes
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Great article with some interesting background. And more widely applicable. Just remove "connected car" from the title and substitute, well... just about anything, and it should still work. "President Biden, we urge you to...
‘Joint Program Office or similar would benefit DOD Alt PNT efforts’ – Webinar Poll
Image: Shutterstock A poll of participants at yesterday's RNTF/ ION Webinar "GAO Report: Defense Navigation Capabilities" showed attendees overwhelmingly favoring better mechanisms for both coordinating alternative PNT projects within the department and its interface...
Air Force Gen. John W. Raymond: Chinese lasers, jammers threaten GPS satellites – The Washington Times
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: We have talked a lot in recent posts about the PNT gap between the U.S.A. and our adversaries China, Russia, and Iran. It is a gap that, as Beebe says in "The Russia Trap" (could also be titled "the China Trap") creates...
Let the Coast Guard Operate eLoran – US Naval Institute Proceedings
Image: RNT Foundation Blog Editor's Note: Up front caveat - the editor has deep Coast Guard experience and more that a passing familiarity with eLoran. In fact, he probably still is on the "bad list" of a major telecommunications company because he was not able to...
Webinar – GNSS Timing Threats and Fallback Options – VIEW RECORDING
Webinar - GNSS Timing Threats and Fallback Options - VIEW RECORDING Webinar held 23 June 20221, 17:00 London, 12:00 New York GNSS-based timing is ubiquitous and free, but at the same time exceptionally vulnerable to interference. The United Kingdom is in the first...
“The Russia Trap” – Single Points of Failure & GPS
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: We were interested to find the discussion of the importance of resilience and PNT in George Beebe's book "The Russia Trap." Beebe talks about "War by Other Means" and how simmering tensions can cause seemingly innocuous...
$17M proposed for DOT resilient PNT initiatives – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The author is RNT Foundation President Dana A. Goward. $17M proposed for DOT resilient PNT initiatives June 4, 2021 - By Dana Goward Office and Management and Budget (OMB) seeks to extend Trump policies and repeal...
Startling GAO Report on DOD Navigation – Webinar June 15th
The General Accountability Office (GAO) released a somewhat scathing report about Department of Defense navigation programs this month. Among their findings and inferences were: Navigation requirements for projects and systems are often overstated with managers just...
China’s space ambitions target satellites, a US vulnerability – Nikkei Asia
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Notes: This article hits so many of the strategic concerns around US over-reliance on GPS. And it is from a source in Japan, a country probably even more worried about China than the U.S., if that is possible. The article sub-head...
Space debris endangers GPS – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: This is a very interesting and compelling piece. Very timely also considering Galileo's avoidance maneuver in March. Also noteworthy is that the author appropriately defines risk as threat x vulnerability x consequence. So while...
Telecom groups press president, Congress for GPS alternatives – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The author is president of the RNT Foundation. Telecom groups press president, Congress for GPS alternatives May 25, 2021 - By Dana Goward America urgently needs alternatives to GPS and the government must fund efforts...
Resilient PNT for Critical Applications – Logan Scott
Image: YouTube Blog Editor's Note: If you are interested in PNT and don't follow Logan Scott on LInkedin, you are missing a bet. Here is one of his typically thoughtful posts discussing some of the larger PNT resilience and policy issues. Resilient PNT for...
Don’t Just Bail Out Uncle Sam, Help Ordinary Americans Too – Real Clear Markets (Ligado issue)
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Another great piece by RNT Foundation member, Diana Furchtgott-Roth. She makes the point that in its decision to approve Ligado's application, the FCC required the company to reimburse the U.S. government for any harm done to...
Northrop Grumman to supply navigation payloads for DARPA’s Blackjack satellites – Space News
Image: Artist rendering of Blackjack PNT satellites. Credit: Northrop Grumman Blog Editor's Notes: Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites will undoubtedly become a valued layer in a system-of-systems approach to resilient PNT (see and download our architecture poster here)....
Adjacent Band Interference More than just a Ligado Problem – Spirent
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: An interesting post by Guy Buesnel, a member of RNT Foundation's International Advisory Committee. We have not often seen this issue raised and appreciate his stimulating the discussion. From his post: "While Ligado is the focus...
DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS IN SPACE – Center for Strategic and International Studies
Image: US Department of Defense Blog Editor's Note: Last year the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) produced their "Space Threat Assessment, 2020," upon which we reported. This year they chose an intriguing Harry Potter theme. Quite appropriate. As...
Europe’s Galileo braces for more emergency in-orbit maneuvers – Space News
Image: European Space Agency Blog Editor's Note: Yesterday we blogged about the sun. Today the issue is problems with debris. In the last year or so we have heard about space-based and kinetic weapons threatening our satellites. It wasn't that long ago that people...
Racing the Sun to Protect America, Lessons from the solar storm of May 1921 – NextGov
Image: NASA & Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The author is President of the RNT Foundation. Racing the Sun to Protect America Lessons from the solar storm of May 1921 By Dana A. Goward, President, Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation MAY 14, 2021 One...
Countering the threat of GPS disruption with more resilient PNT sources – Global Defence
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: A very timely headline given the GAO report released this week suggesting the same thing for the U.S. Department of Defense. A good read on the UK perspective. Save the date! - RNT Foundation and the Hoptroff organization...
GAO Report: ‘Use resilient tech vs. GPS as DOD primary PNT’ – GPS World
Image Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The author is President of the RNT Foundation. GAO Report: ‘Use resilient tech vs. GPS as DOD primary PNT’ May 11, 2021 - By Dana Goward Preview (opens in a new tab) A new report by the Government Accountability Office...
Clear and Present Economic Danger – GW Prime
Image: U.S. Air Force Blog Editor's Note: An excellent article on Geospatial World Prime by RNTF Member Diana Furchtgott-Roth. Diana is an economist who also led civil PNT issues for the US government, so she is uniquely qualified to examine this aspect of these...
Emergency Landing – Russia Still Jamming Hard in Ukraine
Image: NASA/NOAA Blog Editor's Note: This report from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is no surprise. We have reported on this before and Russia is still Russia. They have bragged their jamming capability extends for hundreds of kilometers, so...
‘Take the bullseye off GPS before it’s too late!’ — PNT leaders at GWU webinar – GPS World
Dr. Robert Hampshire, U.S. DOT chief scientist, speaking at GWU webinar on May 5. (Image RNT Foundation) Blog Editor's Note: The author is President of the RNT Foundation. ‘Take the bullseye off GPS before it’s too late!’ — PNT leaders at GWU webinar May 7,...
Satellite-navigation systems such as GPS are at risk of jamming, Alternatives are needed – The Economist
Blog Editor's Note: This is a good general interest article to which we contributed. It is behind a paywall, so many of our readers may choose not to access the entire piece. Most significant is that a highly regarded journal is addressing the issue. A sure sign of...
Accurate GPS Needed to Measure Climate Change – RealClear Science
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Excellent article by the former federal government leader for civil PNT issues, Diana Furchtgott-Roth. Who is also an RNTF member! While not mentioned, most all of her points also apply to not letting adjacent band transmissions...
In Fixing GPS, Timing is Everything – EE Times
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: We couldn't agree more with the title of this article. Here is our October 2020 whitepaper that said the same thing (though we took 26 pages to say so): A Resilient National Timing Architecture DESIGNLINES MILITARY &...
China Brags it Made US Navy Switch to Bei Dou
Blog Editor's Note: One of our members pointed out this Facebook post about a Chinese news cast. Google Translate agrees with the translation of the title. Even without being able to understand the audio, the video makes it pretty clear that the segment supports the...
What Technologies Can Secure GPS? – Webinar w/Civil PNT Leaders fm 3 Administrations
Blog Editor's Note: This WILL be interesting. Hosted and moderated by Scott Pace (GWU Space Policy Institute, Exec Dir of Space Council in the last administration), it will feature Greg Winfree, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, and Dr. Robert Hampshire. Greg & Diana (both...
SpaceX Close Call with Debris – Space News
Image: European Space Agency Blog Editor's Note: Good thing it was just a close call. Though we learned in aviation safety class that catastrophic accidents are almost always preceded by close calls. And as you can see from the article, there have been a number of...
The Need for Resilient PNT Has Never Been Greater – EE Times
Image: Maritime traffic density Dover Strait/ Southern North Sea, summer 2018. Courtesy Trinity House Blog Editor's Note: A very good summary article by Guy Buesnel, a long time RNT Foundation supporter and member of our International Advisory Committee. For more...
President Biden, Congress urged to void Ligado go-ahead order – GPS World
Image: Dr. Brad Parkinson Blog Editor's Note: The RNT Foundation is one of the 98 organizations that signed the two letters discussed in this article. President Biden, Congress urged to void Ligado go-ahead order April 22, 2021 - By Tracy Cozzens Image:...
Russia ramps up GPS jamming along with troops at Ukraine border – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The author is president of the RNT Foundation. Russia ramps up GPS jamming along with troops at Ukraine border April 21, 2021 - By Dana Goward Image: Leestat/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images Two recent reports from...
OneWeb PNT Possibilities
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Some buzz last week on this due to public comments made by the OneWeb CEO, Neil Masterson. There are several ways OneWeb could be used for PNT. Future satellites could be modified for the purpose, future payloads could carry...
Prince Phillip – eLoran, Resilient PNT Advocate
Image: Trinity House Blog Editor's Note: Great piece in GPS World about Prince Phillip's support for technology and complementing GPS with eLoran. The audio clip of the interview with Sir Jeremy De Halpert is from 2011. Prince Philip championed GPS as Master of...
Assured PNT Summit – Opening Remarks
Blog Editor's Note: RNT Foundation President Dana A. Goward moderated the Defense Strategies Institute Assured PNT Summit at National Harbor this week. Here are his opening remarks. Defense Strategies Institute Assured PNT Summit Moderator Dana A. Goward Opening...
Opinion: GPS is endangered by a misguided FCC decision made during the Trump administration – Washington Post
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Very good Op-Ed by Ms Diana Furchtgott-Roth who, we are proud to say, is an RNT Foundation member. Opinion: GPS is endangered by a misguided FCC decision made during the Trump administration Opinion by Diana...
Secure World Foundation Says Russia is Testing New LEO, GEO Anti-Satellite Technologies – Via Satellite
Image: US Department of Defense Blog Editor's Note: This article talks about Russia's activities at LEO and GEO. Of course, even though GNSS are at MEO, this should still be a concern for the PNT community for several reasons. Some nations have some PNT at GEO and/or...
UK takes £6.7M step toward resilient timing architecture – GPS World
Image: NASA Blog Editor's Note: The author of this article is President of the RNT Foundation. UK takes £6.7M step toward resilient timing architecture April 9, 2021 - By Dana Goward The United Kingdom’s National Timing Centre will conduct a two-phase series...
It’s Time To Declare Space Systems As Critical Infrastructure – Politico
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: This article proposes an idea that has been raised periodically, either designating GPS as critical infrastructure or, as in this case, space systems generally. The overall goal is to provide greater visibility and focus on the...
The Rising Threat to the Integrity of Maritime Navigation Data – The Maritime Executive
Image: Skytruth Blog Editor's Note: A good update article by George Shaw of the General Lighthouse Authority of UK and Ireland. This is the kind of issue that tends to fall into the background for users. Regular updates like this help keep it in the forefront of...
State of Play: Resilience Is Not Just About Parts – Inside GNSS
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Great article by our friend Logan Scott. While the DOT report on their GPS Backup Tech Demo does have a lot of information, we have to agree it is not the be all and end all on the question of "GPS backups" as some would like. ...
A matter of time: Ensuring precise time and synchronization for critical infrastructure – GPS World
Image: Historic Master Clock at NIST museum in Gaithersburg, MD (RNT Foundation) Blog Editor's Note: It is essential that we secure precise time and sync for our critical infrastructure, AND for everyone else. The US government established precise time as a utility...
Terrestrial navigation system ready for use in S. Korea to cope with jamming and electric warfare – Aju Business Daily
Blog Editor's Note: The below is the latest announcement from South Korea on its efforts to establish a sovereign and resilient PNT system. It builds on other releases we have passed along previously. See for example here and here. Notice the "advantage" South Korea...
Aviation Groups Petition Govt over Deliberate GPS Jamming
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: Aviation is somewhat unique among modes of transportation as it has an alternate PNT system for when GPS is not available. It is a network of short range terrestrial beacons of VORs, DMEs, and TACANs (TACAN is military only)....
Space Debris Threatens GNSS
Image: Shutterstock Blog Editor's Note: The greatest threat from space debris is unquestionably at LEO. Many in the PNT community have considered GPS, Galileo, and other GNSS at MEO relatively safe from debris. It seems that ain't necessarily so. Papers on debris at...