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Naive “day without space” article in Forbes

Naive “day without space” article in Forbes

Image: Shutterstock What's New: An article in Forbes by the Executive Chairman of York Space Systems.  It: Praises Space Force's great work and the quality of their folks - yes, we agree. Advocates for a more diverse, hybrid, military/commercial space architecture -...

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‘Any Interest in providing commercial eLoran?’ – DOT RFI

‘Any Interest in providing commercial eLoran?’ – DOT RFI

Image: RNT Foundation What's New: The U.S. Department of Transportation has issued a Request for Information (RFI) asking if there are companies interested in providing a commercial eLoran service in the United States. The request goes to some lengths to ensure folks...

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GPS Almost Ended Before it Began – Avionics News

GPS Almost Ended Before it Began – Avionics News

Image: Avionics News What's New: An interesting article by our colleague Dave Hughes about the early days of GPS.  Why It's Important: It showcases How hard it is for organizations and individuals to exercise a little imagination and accept change. The importance of a...

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Moscow Jamming Causing As Much Anxiety as Protection?

Moscow Jamming Causing As Much Anxiety as Protection?

Image: John Wiseman What's New: John Wiseman on X/Twitter relaying comments from Russian pilots of small aircraft and citizens worried about flying and drones in and around Moscow. Why It's Important:  It seems to show Ukrainian drone attacks are having a...

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DHS Invites Critical Infrastructure to Fall 2024 Spoof-fest

DHS Invites Critical Infrastructure to Fall 2024 Spoof-fest

Image: Shutterstock What's New: The Department of Homeland Security announced a GPS spoofing test event for the fall of next year. They are focusing on owners and operators of critical infrastructure. Why It's Important:  Most previous events have focused on jamming,...

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DOT Complementary PNT Action Plan – A New Hope?

DOT Complementary PNT Action Plan – A New Hope?

Image: US DOT What's New: The US Dept. of Transportation unveiled its new Complementary PNT Action Plan at the CGSIC meeting last week. Among other things it says the government will start purchasing PNT services to protect itself starting in mid-2024.  BTW -  policy...

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DOT Looking for Resilient PNT – This time it’s serious!

DOT Looking for Resilient PNT – This time it’s serious!

Image: RNT Foundation What's New: The Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a Request for Information on "Complementary Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)." Why It's Important: Those familiar with the issue all agree that GPS is insufficient for some...

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UK’s RIN whitepaper nudging UK govt to think, talk about PNT

UK’s RIN whitepaper nudging UK govt to think, talk about PNT

Image: Shutterstock What's New: The UK's Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) has announced its 2nd Annual PNT Leadership Seminar. RNTF member Mitch Narins has also sent us an RIN whitepaper on Resilient PNT he helped write, and which he says will be discussed at the...

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PNT, Sovereignty, & BeiDou Genesis – GW Prime

PNT, Sovereignty, & BeiDou Genesis – GW Prime

Image: Shutterstock What's New: A meditation on the importance of PNT to a nation's ability to control its own destiny. Why It's Important: Nation's usually want to be able to sustain themselves at some level without relying on another country. Would a country really...

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GPS/GNSS interference everywhere – EuroControl  at UN

GPS/GNSS interference everywhere – EuroControl at UN

Image: IATA and EuroControl What's New: A report by EuroControl to the U.N. International Committee on GNSS that found wherever commercial aircraft go, they find GPS/GNSS interference. Why It's Important: Interference with GPS can cause accidents and kill people.  The...

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China continues build out of terrestrial timing network

China continues build out of terrestrial timing network

Image: China National Timing Service Center What's New: Recent announcements of China establishing two new terrestrial timing centers as part of its national network. Why It's Important: China is increasing its tech lead over the U.S. and the rest of the world by...

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LEO PNT Companies working with Govt Think Tanks

LEO PNT Companies working with Govt Think Tanks

Image: Shutterstock What's New: Two announcements about government research entities working with commercial LEO PNT companies: The Air Force Research Laboratory, which also supports Space Force, awarded Xona Space Systems $1.2M to examine how "...future defense...

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Will Defense Department Rent LEO PNT?

Will Defense Department Rent LEO PNT?

Image: Xona Space Systems What's New: Space Force touting expanded collaboration with industry and leveraging commercial capabilities. See this June press release about their Commercial Space Office. And at a Space Force Commercial Space Office presentation last year,...

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UN Workshop to Discuss Resilient PNT, LEO Systems

UN Workshop to Discuss Resilient PNT, LEO Systems

Image: Shutterstock What's New: A workshop in Helsinki 23 - 26 October about GNSS applications, that will include discussions of Resilient PNT and LEO systems. Why It's Important: Inclusion of these topics in a GNSS event might show the community opening up to these...

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DOE’s CAST best practices guide published – GPS World

DOE’s CAST best practices guide published – GPS World

Image: Shutterstock What's New:  Dept of Energy published best practices for timing and the electrical grid. Why It's Important: Electrical grids use timing in at least 8 critical applications. See image from Mitre presentation below. What Else to Know: Timing from...

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Space weather skews GPS: Agri-view

Space weather skews GPS: Agri-view

Image: Shutterstock What's New: Interesting article about the ripple effect in agriculture of GPS disruptions. Why It's Important: Well, food is kinda important. Eating seems to be real popular at the moment. 😉 The quantity and price of food produced in the U.S. is...

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Huge Increase in Middle-East Jamming

Huge Increase in Middle-East Jamming

Image: What's New: The middle east, long a hot spot for jamming, has seen a significant increase since the end of May. Why It's Important:  It is a symptom of the changing nature of conflict. More drones and other electronic systems are being used, and more...

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Defending America and saving lives with NITRO – GPS World

Defending America and saving lives with NITRO – GPS World

Image: DVIDS, Staff Sgt. Jonathan Shaw What's New: The National Guard's NITRO project is establishing a national resilient timing network for the Guard and state first responders. But it is stuck in a bureaucratic and budgetary no-man's land. Why It's Important: NITRO...

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Ukraine’s Invisible Battle to Jam Russian Weapons – BBC

Ukraine’s Invisible Battle to Jam Russian Weapons – BBC

Image: Russian jamming truck from What's New: Interesting article about the back and forth electronic warfare between Ukraine and Russia. Why It's Important: It is especially important when GPS/GNSS gets jammed (denied), or spoofed (hacked). On both sides...

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How China Is Threatening U.S. GPS Dominance – CNBC

How China Is Threatening U.S. GPS Dominance – CNBC

Image: CNBC/YouTube What's New: Growing concern that China's BeiDou is technically superior to GPS and serves much of the world better. Why It's Important: China is actively marketing and subsiding use of BeiDou over GPS for infrastructure around the world China has a...

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Backing Up GNSS – Inside GNSS

Backing Up GNSS – Inside GNSS

Image: Shutterstock What's New: An article by several authors from the European Commission discussing test results for technologies from seven different companies.  Why It's Important: PNT services in use today are: Essential to most every technology. Sourced from...

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Russia jamming St. Petersburg to protect Navy Day?

Russia jamming St. Petersburg to protect Navy Day?

Image: Covert Shores What's New: St. Petersburg, Russia has seen a significant increase in GPS, perhaps GNSS, disruption since the first of June (as observed and tweeted by The Covert Shores blog has posted an image of a Russian warship...

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Lots of jammers near French airport

Lots of jammers near French airport

Image: Shutterstock What's New: A media item about multiple jammers disrupting operations at a French airport. As soon as the authorities found one, they found another, then another! Why It's Important: Disruptions to GPS at airports can cause flight delays. Many...

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PNT by Other Means: Satelles – GPS World

PNT by Other Means: Satelles – GPS World

Image: Iridium Commuications What's New: Article about Satelles time and location services. Part of the GPS World series on non-GNSS PNT. Why It's Important: Satelles is broadcast from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) meaning the signals are stronger, less likely to be...

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