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If not GNSS, then what? – GPS World
Image: GPS III Lockheed Martin What's New: A thought piece by RNTF member Mitch Narins. Why It's Important: He raises the issue of some folks focusing on GNSS, others on PNT and ensuring users have it. What Else to Know: We are glad to see more non-GNSS papers and...

Russia is signaling it could take out the West’s internet and GPS. There’s no good backup plan. – Aol.
Image: Shutterstock What's New: This article helps put Russia's interference with GPS in a larger context. Why It's Important: "Grey zone" conflicts are still conflicts and do harm. They can also lead to shooting wars, sometimes despite the intent on both sides to...

US leaders have been warned to focus on GPS and PNT to protect the nation – SpaceNews
Image: Lockheed and Shutterstock What's New: Op Ed discussing two different expert groups sending the same message on PNT to the U.S. government. Why It's Important: Our over-reliance on GPS for PNT is a really bad idea. If you don't understand the image, look up...

CGSIC Meets in 3 Weeks – Baltimore
Image: GPS use and research by civilians has greatly contributed to improvements in user equipment. Image credit 1976 GPS receiver Smithsonian and microchip Shutterstock. What's New: The Civil GPS Service Interface Committee Meeting is coming up soon. There is still...

UK to build huge new £20m anti-jamming test facility – UK Defense Journal
Image: UK MOD What's New: More work to mitigate the impact of GPS/GNSS jamming and spoofing. Why It's Important: At present most aircraft, including western military aircraft, over-rely on GNSS, usually GPS. As we have seen, this is a huge vulnerability. What Else to...

ACCEPT: University of Alabama prepping next generation of PNTF experts – GPS World
Image: ACCEPT students presenting to USNO and Microchip reps - Univ. of Alabama ACCEPT: University of Alabama prepping next generation of PNTF experts Est. reading time: 2:30 August 20, 2024 - By Dana Goward The University of Alabama, with the support of the...

Fragile GPS is a massive vulnerability for the West – and Putin knows it – The Telegraph
Image: Shutterstock What's New: Not much other than The Telegraph, a popular media outlet, has taken notice. Why It's Important: See "popular media outlet" above. What Else to Know: The columnist gets the theme right. Though, OneWeb could have provided some PNT, we...

Report from ENC 2024 – RIN’s Prof. David Last Fund Awardee
Image: Alex Schofield at European Navigation Conference - RIN photo What's New: A report from the most recent beneficiary of the Royal Institute of Navigation's Professor David Last Fund. Why It's Important: Encouraging development of PNT professionals is key to the...

This is your brain on GPS – New Hampshire Public Radio Podcast
Image: The Longleat Hedge Maze in Wiltshire, England. Public domain. What's New: A different look at GPS. How using it is affecting our brains and behavior. Why It's Important: Technology should not be about technology. It should be about users and how it makes life...

Ukraine Destroys an Offshore Platform Used for GPS Spoofing – Maritime Executive
Image: Typical Offshore Platform - Shutterstock What's New: Ukraine destroying another Russia facility that interfered with GPS transmissions. Why It's Important: Ship navigation and safety systems like AIS use GPS. Russia has been disrupting GPS signals in the Black...

White House advisory group blasts US government, DoD inattention to GPS woes – Breaking Defense
Image: Shutterstock What's New: Another report and perspective on the PNT Advisory Board's recent memo to the Deputy Secretaries of Defense and Transportation. Why It's Important: The previous media on this was in GPS World, an industry journal. Breaking Defense has...

The growing threat to GPS is a cyber issue – Stephen Dye on LinkedIn
Image: Stephen Dye What's New: Another voice pointing out that PNT (and therefore GPS) is a critical IT component and therefore disruptions are cyber problems. Why It's Important: This is not widely recognized. For example, neither the National Cybersecuriity Strategy...

Experts to PNT leaders: “It’s not working!” – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock What's New: Findings and recommendations from the President's PNT Advisory Board sent to the Deputy Secretaries of Defense and Transportation Why It's Important: The memo highlights: America's overdependence on GPS for PNT China's much superior PNT...

PNT Vision 2035 – A must read: GPS World
Image: ESA Note: The author of this article in the August GPS World magazine is President of the RNT Foundation. PNT Vision 2035 - a must read An interview with ESA’s NAVAC Chair Luis Mayo By Dana A. Goward In June the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Navigation...

By all available means – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock What's New: Editor's intro, "First Fix" to August's edition of GPS World magazine. Why It's Important: There is a lot of technology available to improve the safety of navigation (and timing). The problem is: Many users choose to not have equipment...

US dangerously behind, PNT leadership needed – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock The author of the below article is President of the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation. US dangerously behind, PNT leadership needed Est. reading time: 3 minutes July 30, 2024 By Dana Goward Describing a dangerous “asymmetric vulnerability...

US Space Force is set to install 24 satellite jamming stations capable of disrupting Russian or Chinese communications – SatNews
Image: U.S. Space Force What's New: An update on Space Force's jamming efforts. Why It's Important: It reinforces that electronic warfare involves space assets and no signals are safe. Gives you a pretty good idea that at least China and Russia, probably Iran and...

“The house is on fire”: U.S. officials confront Russia, China threat to West – Axios
Image: Shutterstock What's New: A report from the Aspen Security Forum. Why It's Important: Enemies attack areas of weakness, especially if they have strength in that same area. PNT is a glaring example of the west's weakness and Russian and Chinese strength. What...

Could PNT have its own ‘CrowdStrike’ moment? – Spatial Source
Image: Shutterstock What's New: An OpEd in Spatial Source correctly pointing out that PNT is an essential cyber component that could, and has, failed. And could, and has been, exploited. Why It's Important: A global problem with PNT would make the CrowdStrike problem...

Staying on course: The vital role of GPS backup systems – The Space Review
Image: RNT Foundation What's New: An item in Space Review about the importance of backup systems for GPS. Why It's Important: Innumerable systems, applications, and infrastructures depend on GPS for proper operation. When things go wrong with GPS reception, those...

Without a GPS Backup, Doomsday is Just a Matter of Time – Location Business News/MerlinTPS
Image: John Hartzell What's New: An OpEd by MerlinTPS CEO Christian Kotscher published in Location Business News. Why Its Important: Dependence on GPS continues to grow and, in the U.S. and the west we don't have widely deployed alternatives. Reliability of GPS...

America at risk from China, lack of GPS alternatives – National Security Space Association
Image: USAF America at risk from China, lack of GPS alternatives – National Security Space Association “GPS blackmail” possible, may have already happened. Leadership needed. NEWS PROVIDED BY Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation July 19, 2024, 16:45 GMT...

New aviation workgroup on spoofing – all invited
Image: Stanford Univ What's New: Opsgroup is forming a series of workgroups to address spoofing in aviation and what they see as inadequate responses. Why It's Important: Spoofing has increased dramatically and is a threat to aviation safety and air traffic...

PNT Vision 2035 for Europe – ESA Advisory Committee
Image: ESA What's New: A fairly extensive report on what the future of PNT in Europe should look like. Why It's Important: It recognizes that PNT can't be all about GNSS or even space, but must be a system of systems. What Else to Know: The vision was developed by an...

UK’s PNT Foresight Could Presage World Leadership, Profits – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock What's New: RNT Foundation President Dana Goward's column in the July issue of GPS World. In it he discusses how the UK's planning and governance could give its government and businesses advantages and opportunities. Why It's Important: While...

Russian Jamming Is Wreaking Havoc on GPS in Eastern Europe. But Is It Hybrid Warfare? – Air & Space Forces Magazine
Image: What's New: An interesting discussion that shows how NATO leaders can justify not acting against Russian jamming and spoofing in the Baltic. Why It's Important: If the interference were determined to be electronic or hybrid warfare, NATO would have to...

Europe Renews its Bulletin About GNSS Interference – EASA
Image: Shutterstock What's New: The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) updated its formal advisory about GNSS interference. The last one was November 2023, before Russia's expansion of jamming and spoofing into the Baltic region. Why It's Important: This seems to...

Army RFI for “Counter-PNT”
Image: Shutterstock What's New: The U.S. Army is asking industry about "... waveforms and techniques that limit the enemy’s ability to use PNT systems effectively." Why It's Important: America's adversaries and potential adversaries have and are continuing to develop...

What would happen if Russia detonated a nuclear bomb in space? – Washington Post Interactive
Image: Shutterstock What's New: An interactive report and depiction by the Washington Post. Why It's Important: Such an explosion could destroy lots of satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and quite possibly: Create enough debris to destroy satellites in LEO and make...

Aircraft Spoofing Expanding to Asia – SKAI Data Services
Image: SKAI Data Services What's New: Reports of aircraft spoofed near Hong Kong and Tokyo. Why It's Important: It is the first time we have seen it in these two places. It has been observed in other parts of China, and in Korea, but this is the first time in these...

Why GPS is Under Attack – New York Times graphic story
Image: YouTube "Space Force" What's New: An interesting graphic article by the New York Times laying out very simply and clearly the problem for the U.S. Why It's Important: U.S. government leadership has yet to reckon with our stark PNT vulnerability and the threats...

USAF geolocating Baltic interference and…
Image: 360Radar on X What's New: A post on X showing part of the quiet, understated U.S./ NATO response to Russian GPS jamming and spoofing in the Baltic. A U.S. Air Force electronic warfare aircraft circled Kaliningrad, Russia, yesterday. Why It's Important:...

The Hierarchy of Needs for the Digital World – Xairos
Image: Shutterstock What's New: An interesting observation from David Mitlyng at Xairos. We agree and have said that "Of positioning, navigation, and timing, timing is the one ring that rules them all." 🙂 Why It's Important: Outside the community, few understand the...

“Unknown Interference” – GPS user issue reports
Image: USCG What's New: Of the trouble reports submitted to the USCG in the last year, 80% were evaluated as "unknown interference." These non-aviation, non-military reports were submitted from all over the globe, except for South America. Why It's Important: While...

Goward Awarded Fellowship with Royal Institute of Navigation
Image: UK Minister for Science and RNTF President Goward discussing UK PNT Resilience plans - Photo Credit RIN Goward Awarded Fellowship with Royal Institute of Navigation by Hon. Greg Winfree, Chairman of the Board, RNT Foundation The Resilient Navigation and Timing...

GPS Interference Over Land a Recurring Problem for Transatlantic Flights
Image: NATS What's New: Aircraft transiting the Atlantic from Europe without functioning GPS seems to have become a semi-regular occurrence. "Pre-boundary GNSS interference," mentioned in the FAA note below, refers to aircraft jammed or spoofed before arriving to...

Eurocontrol tech directors worried over GNSS/ GBAS
Image: Shutterstock What's New: Eurocontrol (the EU's air traffic coordinator) Network Directors of Technology Working Group recently met and expressed concern that: The EU has twice sought contractors to develop GBAS Category III approaches and had no takers. - GBAS...

Jamming Impacts Transatlantic Air Traffic
Image: North Atlantic Skies - NATS What's New: A report of transatlantic air traffic being impacted by GPS interference. A pilot relayed he or she was not able to proceed as they wished because another aircraft at a flight level above them had experienced GPS jamming....

Has the Kessler Syndrome already begun?
Image: Shutterstock What's New: A recent article in The Atlantic titled "One Satellite Crash Could Upend Modern Life." It discusses the Kessler Syndrome, a cascade of collisions that could make Low Earth Orbit unusable. Why It's Important: Such a cascade could...

Congress Nixes Space Force’s R-GPS – House Appropriations Committee Report
Image: RNT Foundation What's New: Congress refused Space Force's request to fund a small GPS satellite program. Why It's Important: Space Force had already used special authority to reprogram $40M and start the effort. The additional, smaller, satellites were supposed...

Study: GPS disruptions in aviation show importance of backups – GPS World
Image: Shutterstock Note: The author of this article is president of the RNT Foundation. Study: GPS disruptions in aviation show importance of backups June 12, 2024 - By Dana Goward Est. reading time: 2 minutes In a recently released paper, the respected analytics...

What if the Carrington Event, the largest solar storm ever recorded, happened today? – Live Science
Image: Johns Hopkins What's New: A detailed discussion, not just about the Carrington Event, but also evidence of even more powerful events, and the possibility of them in the future. Why It's Important: Electrical grids certainly need too be reinforced and protected...

Breaking the Formation: The Impact of GNSS Spoofing on UAV Swarms – Inside GNSS
Image: Shutterstock What's New: An examination of spoofing on large groups of drones. Why It's Important: One plan for the U.S. military to counter the numerically larger forces of other nations (China) is with drone swarms. How the drones/ UAVs will avoid colliding...

Will the May 10 GPS outage affect farm profitability? – Michigan Farm News
Image: Shutterstock What's New: Some introspection about GPS disruption to farming. Also interesting stats about GPS use, automation, etc. Why It's Important: GPS is used extensively in agriculture. Like many industries, much farming has been transformed by GPS. The...

Study – ‘GPS Disruptions in Aviation Show Importance of Backups. U.S. and Europe may be headed in the wrong direction.’
GPS Jamming near Dallas impacted aircraft within 110 miles of the airport. Image: To thwart increasing GPS jamming, backups are needed for flight AND ground operations. ALEXANDRIA, VA, UNITED STATES, June 4, 2024 / Media Contact: Mr. Dana...

North Korea Spoofing Aircraft and Ships – GPS World
Image: SkAI Data Services What's New: North Korea has entered the spoofing game. Interference has been on-going for five days. Why It's Important: North Korea's last major GPS interference event was several days of jamming in 2016. Spoofing is a new activity for them....

GPS jamming at UAV expo – GPS World
Image: NavtechGPS What's New: Discovery of GPS interference at the premier event for UAV operators— the XPOTENTIAL 2024 conference of the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). Why It's Important: It demonstrates accidental interference can...

Timing is everything – GNSS alternatives from “Embedded”
Image: Shutterstock What's New: An article by Microchip's Jim Olsen discussing several non-GNSS timing sources. Why It's Important: Of PN&T, the "T" is the most important. It is used to operate systems and enable applications, as well as being essential data. A...

Global navigation jamming will only get worse. The U.S. needs to move fast – SpaceNews
Image: John Hartzell What's New: A new OpEd by Zephr CEO Sean Gorman. He makes several good observations that drone warfare has highlighted both the importance of GNSS and the importance of denying it. Why It's Important: There is no going back. Anyone who thinks the...

Russian jamming leaves some high-tech U.S. weapons (even more) ineffective in Ukraine – Washington Post
Image: HiMARS System - Shutterstock What's New: An exclusive Washington Post report that Russian jamming is impacting U.S.-provided weapons much more than previously reported. Why It's Important: Ukraine is suffering more in the conflict because it relied on U.S....