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GPS Spoofing White Paper – SKAI Data Services

GPS Spoofing White Paper – SKAI Data Services

Image: SKAI Data Services What's new: A white paper from the folks who developed and deployed the site tracking spoofing in real-time. Why it's important: Situational awareness is essential if you are going to start to mitigate any risk or problem. Also, the white...

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ICYMI – NIST wants to hear from you on PNT & Cyber

ICYMI – NIST wants to hear from you on PNT & Cyber

Image: Shutterstock What's new: The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is asking for comments about how to align its PNT Profile process with its Cybersecurity efforts. Why it's important: A least a couple reasons. First, it is good to have these...

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Marking time in the 1200’s

Marking time in the 1200’s

Image: RNT Foundation What's new: While visiting Ragusa, Italy, we discovered a way of marking the hours of the day we had not heard of before - Italic hours which count the number of hours since the last sunset. Why it's important: Timekeeping has been essential to...

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GPS saves 190 airline passengers – Daily Mail

GPS saves 190 airline passengers – Daily Mail

Image: Shutterstock What's new: A report that GPS-enabled terrain warning saved the lives of 190 airline passengers on the 2nd of February. Why it's important: This incident shows how important these safety systems are, and the criticality of them working properly....

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Sean Plankey nominated for CISA

Sean Plankey nominated for CISA

Image: Argonne National Laboratory What's new: The president has nominated Sean Plankey to lead the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at DHS. Why it's important: CISA is the agency at DHS that coordinates/ leads PNT issues for the department....

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The “Greenwich Time Lady” sold time from 1892 to 1940

The “Greenwich Time Lady” sold time from 1892 to 1940

Images: Public Domain & Wikimedia Commons What's new: A good friend pointed out a LinkedIn post about Elizabeth "Ruth" Naomi Belville and her time distribution business.  We really enjoyed it. So we thought we would post about her also as a lighter weekend item....

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FCC to Meet on GPS Alternatives – GPS World

FCC to Meet on GPS Alternatives – GPS World

Image: Shutterstock What's new: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is wading into the national discussion on PNT technology and policy in a big way. Why it's important:   The FCC has an important role ensuring PNT frequencies are allotted and remain...

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DHS Best Resilient PNT Practices

DHS Best Resilient PNT Practices

Image: Old DHS HQ Sign - RNT Foundation What's new: We discovered this document from September. Why it's important: This is good info from DHS. Though a bit generic, it is important to "think about how to think about" this topic. What else to know: Interesting that...

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Space Threat Fact Sheet – U.S. Space Force

Space Threat Fact Sheet – U.S. Space Force

Image: Shutterstock What's new: We discovered this interesting fact sheet Space Force issued.  Why it's important: When GPS was first launched space was a fairly safe place to put things. Now it is pretty dangerous. Not only is it a warfighting domain, it is a lightly...

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Tracking the Top PNT Trends for 2025 – Geospatial World

Tracking the Top PNT Trends for 2025 – Geospatial World

Image: Shutterstock What's new: Adam Price from Spirent offering a look ahead for PNT in 2025. Why it's important: A huge rise in GNSS interference makes the future of PNT and its users uncertain and may cause sudden and significant changes. As a prominent player in...

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GPS Spoofing White Paper – SKAI Data Services

More on GPS complements for Aviation – Osechas & McGraw

Image: Real time display of aircraft being spoofed courtesy SKAI Data Services What's new: Dr. Okuary Osechas and Dr. Gary McGraw continue to refine their December paper that examined navigation systems needed in aviation to complement GPS/GNSS in order to achieve...

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Munich SatNav Summit 26 – 28 March “Resilient PNT”

Munich SatNav Summit 26 – 28 March “Resilient PNT”

Image: Munich Residence venue for part of the summit - Shutterstock What's new: The annual Munich Satellite Navigation Summit's theme is "Resilient PNT - Backbone of Autonomy & Critical Infrastructure!" Why it's important: This event and the European Navigation...

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PNT & GPS Critical Issue for New Administration and Congress

PNT & GPS Critical Issue for New Administration and Congress

Image: US DOT and DOD The below is an issue paper we are circulating to members of the new administration and congress in the U.S. There is a link to a pdf version at the bottom of this post. Please share this post and/or the pdf as widely as you are able. Lack of...

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India joining GNSS Club?

India joining GNSS Club?

What's new: India's Space Research Organization (ISRO) has placed it's 100th satellite in orbit. It is a replacement for one of the 7 in the NavIC regional navigation satellite system (RNSS).. Why it's important: India, now the world's most populous country, is one to...

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Russian Federal Air Transport Agency blaming victims?

Russian Federal Air Transport Agency blaming victims?

Image: Shutterstock What's new: After Russia forces fired on an Azerbaijan Airline plane causing it to crash land with the loss of 38 lives, the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency issued a bulletin about using GNSS in conflict zones.  It recommends more pilot...

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FAA – ‘GPS interference most likely a military exercise’

FAA – ‘GPS interference most likely a military exercise’

Image: Shutterstock What's new: We heard back from the FAA yesterday about our GPS interference report (see yesterday's post)  the SAME DAY - and it was a SUNDAY!  They said the GPS interference the aircraft we were traveling on experienced was likely from a NOTAMed...

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LEO PNT State of the Market Report – Frontier SI

LEO PNT State of the Market Report – Frontier SI

Image: Shutterstock What's new: A comprehensive review of LEO PNT projects around the world. Why it's important: LEO PNT has enormous potential. And there is so much going on it is hard to keep track. We have been seeking a compendium like this for years! What else to...

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DOT Releases PNT Strategic Plan

DOT Releases PNT Strategic Plan

Image: RNT Foundation What's new: The Department of Transportation recently posted its PNT Strategic Plan. The document is dated December 2024, but it was only posted on the 17th of January. Why it's important: The document lets everyone know how and what the...

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DJI removes drone geofencing in U.S. endangering us all

DJI removes drone geofencing in U.S. endangering us all

Image: What's new: Chinese company DJI, the maker of about 70% of consumer-grade drones, sent a software update last week removing default geofences from its products used in the United States. Why it's important: Geofencing had prevented these drones...

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Russian drones using Chinese CRPA antennas – United24 Media

Russian drones using Chinese CRPA antennas – United24 Media

Image: Shutterstock What's new: Russia is using Chinese anti-jam antennas on their Iranian-made drones to attack Ukraine. These antennas counter much of the Ukrainian jamming they use to protect themselves. Why it's important: Drone warfare has become an major part of...

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