Russia Repeatedly Hammering GPS in the Baltic

Russia Repeatedly Hammering GPS in the Baltic

Image What’s New: Extensive jamming/spoofing in Southern Sweden, northern Poland, to include strategic the Suwałki Gap. On the 25th and 26th of December a wide swath of northern Poland and southern Sweden was impacted. New Year’s Eve, aircraft across...
Does Conflict Equal GPS Interference?

Does Conflict Equal GPS Interference?

Image: What’s New: We decided to look today for indications of GPS interference in places other than those most folks have been focusing on. We found three areas in Myanmar and one broad area near the Pakistan-India border. Why It’s Important:...
Swedish alarm after defence chiefs’ war warning – BBC

Swedish alarm after defence chiefs’ war warning – BBC

Image: Shutterstock What’s New: Sweden’s military and civil defense leaders have warned the public about the possibility of war. Why It’s Important: Russia has threatened to invade Finland and Sweden if they join NATO. Finland already has, and Sweden...