Graphic: Marine Electronics Journal
SAE, the world’s largest standards setting organization, recently concluded a work group meeting on standards for complementary PNT to protect critical infrastructure and automated vehicles of all kinds (air, land, sea). The US government has twice announced that the system it will build to complement GPS is eLoran, so SAE is putting a lot of effort into standards for that technology. We understand some standards for eLoran will be completed this year. Here are some of the ones they have in progress (click item to go to the SAE page for it):
Introduction to the Operation and Use of the Transmitted Enhanced Loran (eLoran) Signal
Specification of the Transmitted Enhanced Loran (eLoran) Signal
Transmitted Enhanced Loran (eLoran) Signal Standard for 9th pulse modulation
Transmitted Enhanced Loran (eLoran) Signal Standard for Tri-State Pulse Position Modulation