Image: RNTF
Blog Editor’s Note: We are glad to see members of industry advocating for, not just their own solution, but for a variety of diverse solutions. RNTF has long advocated this system-of-systems approach. See and download the graphic we first posted in 2014. We will be updating this graphic this month to reflect the findings of the recent DOT GPS Backup Tech Demo report.
Industry alliance supports development of GPS backup solutions
The Open PNT Industry Alliance has formed, promoting open markets to provide much needed protection and backups for GPS/GNSS-based positioning, navigation, and timing.
Probably every user of consumer GPS applications — like the navigation on your phone, commercial drone control, and location-based rideshare apps — has at some point wondered: “What if GPS suddenly stopped working?” This question takes on a much more serious tone when considering public safety, industrial uses, construction machine guidance, autonomous and assisted driving, precision agriculture, and many more. The biggest end user segment does not get talked about much among the general public but impacts everyday life profoundly: precise timing. Power grids, cell networks, all airborne platforms, electronic banking and computing rely heavily on the utility of precise global time, delivered by GPS. We live in a wired world, and GPS serves as the world’s clock.