Image: Maritime Safety and Security Alliance
Blog Editor’s Note: The below article from February is still current and informative.
GNSS disruption in maritime is an everyday and widespread occurrence. And there are more incentives to maliciously disrupt GNSS signals than are mentioned in the article.
Thanks to the Maritime Safety and Security Alliance and the Maritime Cyber Alliance for the heat map!
IG: Sanctions Evasion is Growing More Sophisticated
The business of sanctions-busting is getting busier and more sophisticated, according to the International Group of P&I Clubs, especially for tanker operators. Venezuela and Iran have continued to export oil despite American sanctions, and Iran has had particularly strong success. As of the second quarter of 2021, Iran was exporting an estimated 1.3-1.7 million barrels per day, using a complex choreography of covert loadings to disguise the cargo’s origins. This crude oil shuffle often uses multiple STS transfers between multiple vessels, according to analysts – raising the risk of sanctions exposure for unsuspecting tanker owners.