Image: ROKE
What’s New: A presentation by Roke for ESA’s NAVISP program on the results of a project to develop an eLoran antenna for handhelds. It seems much smaller antennas are possible and only a matter of doing some more engineering.

6 cm eLoran/GNSS receiver. Reelectronika 2017
Why It’s Important: eLoran is a contender to backup and complement GNSS, though while small receivers have been developed, not as much effort had been put into smaller antennas.
What Else to Know.
- The presentation is about the result of a project that was tendered in July of last year.
- The tender called for development of the antenna to Technical Readiness Level 4, defined by the U.S. Dept of Defense as “Lab Testing/Validation of Alpha Prototype Component/Process: Design, development and lab testing of components/processes.” The project may have advanced to a higher level.