Image: GAO/DOD

What’s New: A guest blog post by two officers of Cubic Corporation that correctly points out the need for the military to develop and implement non-GPS PNT. 

BTW – we prefer to say things like “GPS+” verses “beyond GPS.” GPS is going to be part of the national PNT architecture for a long time.

Why It’s Important: PNT is required by so many weapons and communications systems. And GPS is fragile and easily disrupted, especially by a determined adversary.

What Else to Know:  The gents from Cubic –

  • Correctly address the need for PNT, but fail to mention some of the solutions they discuss only provide P and N or T, but not all three.
  • Fail to mention terrestrial radio frequency as a solution, even though it is depicted on the graphic they use and discussed in the GAO report they mention.



GUEST BLOG: Navigating modern warfare: PNT beyond GPS


November 21, 2023

The issue of position, navigation, and timing (PNT) plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness and precision of modern weapons systems, making PNT indispensable in contemporary warfare.

In an era where military operations are increasingly reliant on technology, accurate geospatial data is paramount. PNT systems provide real-time information about the location of assets, enabling precise targeting, navigation, and coordination of forces on the battlefield. Without reliable PNT, the efficiency of weapon systems – including drones, guided missiles, and autonomous vehicles – is compromised, resulting in decreased accuracy and operational capability. In an environment where split-second decisions and rapid response are essential, PNT serves as the foundation for strategic advantage and mission success in modern warfare.