President Signs Law Requiring Demo of GPS Backup System

Blog Editor’s Note: Yesterday the President signed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2018.  This Act, now law, includes a requirement for the Secretaries of Defense, Transportation and Homeland Security to complete a demonstration of a GPS backup...

Defense Bill 2018: GPS Backup Demo, Use Other GNSS

The House and Senate agreed Wednesday on the final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2018. It included at least two provisions of interest to our readers: SEC. 1606. DEMONSTRATION OF BACKUP AND COMPLEMENTARY POSITIONING, NAVIGATION, AND TIMING CAPABILITIES...

House Provides $10M for GPS Backup Proof of Concept

  “Inside GNSS” reported today that the House Defense Appropriations Act for 2018 provides $10M for the GPS complementary and back up system proof of concept called for in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This was as a result of an...