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Announcing the RNT Foundation Study and Scholars’ Fund

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PNT technology is great, and there is a lot of it. But without a business case or government leadership, it often goes nowhere.

At the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation we have devoted ourselves to thoughtful consideration of national PNT policy decisions.

Recently this has included sponsoring papers to help support public policy development and decisions. Our two latest, both of which are available from our on-line library, are:

Aviation GPS Incidents Show Importance of Backup Systems Policy Makers Take Note” by London Economics, and

America’s Asymmetric Vulnerability to Navigation Warfare: Leadership and Strategic Direction Needed to Mitigate Significant Threats” by the National Security Space Association.

We also have an aviation-focused paper under contract with researchers sponsored by Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The working title is  “Complementing GNSS for Performance Based Navigation.”

The response to our first two papers has been very positive and we are told they are being discussed at the highest levels of governments.

The Foundation’s board of directors believes these kinds of projects make unique and helpful contributions to policy discussions in the U.S. and around the world. The board and our international advisory committee are continuing to consider PNT policy and strategy research projects for investment. Potential topics include:

Removing PNT from Great Power Competition

Getting the Bullseye off GPS = Source Diversity and Deterrence in Space-based Great Power Competition

Cybersecurity and PNT Disruption – tech and policy issues

Market Size for Sovereign PNT Terrestrial Solutions

Levers of Influence – Ways governments can encourage and Achieve broad adoption of non-GNSS PNT solutions.

If you have ideas for papers or studies, please send them to [email protected]

Studies by reputable organizations are expensive, though. Please consider donating to the new RNTF Study Fund to support our efforts!

While RNTF accepts study ideas from a variety of sources, our Board of Directors ultimately determines study topics and the researchers and/or organizations we contract with.

Monies from the fund may also be used to establish an awards or recognition program for particularly outstanding student and other papers on resilient PNT topics.

Donations can be made through our website at using either a credit card or PayPal. Just indicate in the “additional information” section the donation is for “Study Fund.” Contributions by mailed check, through Venmo, or by bank wire are also welcome. We are happy to provide receipts for your records on request. Please contact [email protected] for details.