RNT Foundation Created

New nonprofit promotes global resilient navigation and timing.

Dana Goward
RNT Foundation
Phone: 888-354-9109
Email: [email protected]
Address: 4558 Shetland Green Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22312
Website: RNTFnd.org

Virginia, November 6, 2013: On the 14th of August 2013 the State of Virginia approved articles of incorporation for the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, Inc. (RNT Foundation), to operate as a 501(c)(3) charity working to “…lessen the burdens of government, protect critical infrastructure, support first responders, foster new technologies and applications, and promote public interest in resilient navigation and timing.”

Dana A. Goward, President and Executive Director of the RNT Foundation recently retired from a Senior Executive Service position with the U.S. Coast Guard as Director, Marine Transportation Systems. Mr. Goward acted as the nation’s maritime navigation authority and led delegations to several international organizations. A retired Captain, he served with the Coast Guard for over 40 years in uniform and as a civilian. His passion for this cause is clear, and he looks forward to joining other concerned professionals to aggressively promote awareness of the importance of navigation and timing worldwide.

Mr. Goward emphasized, “Few people realize how navigation and timing services are essential to nearly every facet of our lives. Every nation needs multiple, and complementary services to help ensure navigation and timing signals are available whenever and wherever needed.” Educating the public and government leaders about the importance of navigation and timing, working to combat jamming and spoofing of existing systems, and fostering development and implementation of resilient navigation and timing systems as utilities are the organization’s main goals. This makes the foundation unique to the industry and its followers.

Mr. Martin Faga, former CEO of MITRE Corporation and a past Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, is the foundation’s vice president. He observed that “The issues the foundation is dealing with are important to ensuring the safety and security of our nation and the world. Our society is has become dependent on navigation and timing systems, requiring a robust backup to our primary Global Navigation Space Systems, like GPS and others.”

The RNT Foundation will also work with industry and academia to develop best practices for navigation and timing users, collect and make recommendations to detect and deter jamming and spoofing of satellite navigation and timing systems, and encourage development and implementation of resilient terrestrial navigation and timing sources. The RNT Foundation will kick off its fall membership drive in the months ahead. Visit their newly launched website at RNTFnd.org for more information. While there, be sure to check out their news feed and resources library.