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What’s New: A report from the Aspen Security Forum.

Why It’s Important: Enemies attack areas of weakness, especially if they have strength in that same area. PNT is a glaring example of the west’s weakness and Russian and Chinese strength.

What Else to Know:

  • PNT is essential to all critical infrastructures, and most IT systems and applications.

  • Check out the link below.

“The house is on fire”: U.S. officials confront Russia, China threat to West

The complementary scheming of Russia and China dominated discussions among some of the world’s highest-ranking military and political officials at the Aspen Security Forum.

Why it matters: To hear the national security brain trust tell it in Colorado, Western primacy is in a vise, with Moscow and Beijing together applying the pressure.

Here are a few examples, laid bare at last week’s conference, where the U.S. and its allies are being challenged:

  • In space, China aims to “displace the United States as the global leader” and exploit it “in a way that is to our detriment,” said Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse, the Defense Intelligence Agency director.
  • When China blew up a satellite in 2007, “they put us on notice,” and “we have only seen their development of counter-space weapons just rapidly, breathtakingly, increase,” said U.S. Space Command boss Gen. Stephen Whiting.