Image: UK Minister for Science and RNTF President Goward discussing UK PNT Resilience plans – Photo Credit RIN
Goward Awarded Fellowship with Royal Institute of Navigation
by Hon. Greg Winfree, Chairman of the Board, RNT Foundation
The Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation is pleased to congratulate our President, Mr. Dana A. Goward, on being made a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN). The honor was conferred earlier this year and formally presented at the RIN’s June 18th Annual General Meeting.

RIN outgoing President, Cynthia Robinson, presents Dana A. Goward with his Fellowship
After the event, Mr. John Pottle, the Institute’s Director said “The RIN is delighted to recognise the work of Dana Goward with the award of Fellowship of the RIN. The Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, led by Dana Goward, is a respected independent and expert organisation which is recognised for its leadership in interpreting and highlighting the impacts of threats and hazards to satellite-derived positioning and timing, and in advocating for improved resilience. We look forward to continuing to collaborate and work with Dana Goward as a Fellow of the RIN.”
The U.K. Minister for Science, Innovation, the Right Honourable Andrew Griffith, spoke at the event. Griffith’s ministry hosts the UK’s Cross Government PNT Office. In his remarks he expressed confidence that the U.K.’s efforts to improve its PNT resilience under its new ten-point policy framework would continue regardless of the outcome of the forthcoming British election.
At the reception afterward, Goward and the Minister discussed Goward’s column in next month’s GPS World magazine. In it he examines the UK’s plans, how they position the nation to lead the western world in resilient PNT, and opportunities created for British businesses.