
This week’s Federal Register Notice (FRN) that the government is considering eLoran to complement and backup GPS, and asking for public comment, is sure to add a lot of interest to the RNT Foundation’s annual dinner meeting.

The FRN and a recent RFI for 50,000 eLoran receivers are the only real signs of what the government has been thinking since the US PNT Executive Committee meeting last December.

The dinner will be held at a Washington, DC landmark, the Metropolitan Club, on Wednesday the 8th of April. We are all looking forward to hearing Vint Cerf’s views on the future of timing and the internet, as well as DOD CIO Terry Halvorsen’s thoughts on GPS vulnerability and ways forward.

Attendance is open to existing and new RNT Foundation members, with a discounted package available for new members. Seating is limited so sign up today!

I am looking forward to seeing you there!