Army RFI for “Counter-PNT”

Army RFI for “Counter-PNT”

Image: Shutterstock What’s New: The U.S. Army is asking industry about “… waveforms and techniques that limit the enemy’s ability to use PNT systems effectively.” Why It’s Important: America’s adversaries and potential adversaries...
The Hierarchy of Needs for the Digital World – Xairos

The Hierarchy of Needs for the Digital World – Xairos

Image: Shutterstock What’s New: An interesting observation from David Mitlyng at Xairos. We agree and have said that “Of positioning, navigation, and timing, timing is the one ring that rules them all.”  🙂 Why It’s Important: Outside the...
Goward Awarded Fellowship with Royal Institute of Navigation

Goward Awarded Fellowship with Royal Institute of Navigation

Image: UK Minister for Science and RNTF President Goward discussing UK PNT Resilience plans – Photo Credit RIN Goward Awarded Fellowship with Royal Institute of Navigation by Hon. Greg Winfree, Chairman of the Board, RNT Foundation The Resilient Navigation and...