Image: Wayne Metcalf on X

What’s New: More folks continue to access crowdsourced, publicly available data to identify sources of GPS jamming in Russia.


One of the more recent we have seen is Wayne Metcalf on X.








Markus Jonsson, also on X, has been at it a little longer. As you can see, they have analyzed the interference multiple different ways and come up with the same conclusion. The jamming is coming from Kaliningrad, Russia.












Why it’s Important: Many national leaders seem reluctant to name Russia as the source of the problem. The public in the west should clearly understand where this is coming from.

What Else to Know:

  • Months ago researchers at Stanford and the University of Texas positively identified some of the jamming and spoofing as originating in Kaliningrad and Russian oblasts further east.
  • Many western political leaders may be reluctant to name and blame Russia because they don’t want to trigger a military response under the NATO treaty. And they have not figured out any other ways to respond.
  • The Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia have named Russia as the problem.
  • After Finnair suspended service to Tartu, the Estonia foreign minister summoned the Russian ambassador to make a formal protest.