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What’s new: Adam Price from Spirent offering a look ahead for PNT in 2025.
Why it’s important: A huge rise in GNSS interference makes the future of PNT and its users uncertain and may cause sudden and significant changes. As a prominent player in PNT, especially in GNSS, when Spirent speaks, folks should listen.
What else to know:
- We would like to add to Adam’s great observations. Other things to look for this year and beyond:
- More quantum. Quantum inertial was flown in an aircraft last year and clocks are getting better and better SWaP-C.
- More eLoran. The UK has two initiatives underway. One a fixed system to serve the whole nation, the other a deployable system for its MOD. South Korea and China have completed their eLoran systems, and we understand other countries are going to announce plans to build systems soon.
- More LEO. We know of at least three companies investing in LEO PNT, and at least three governments have projects or prototypes underway.
- More MOSA. Modular Open System Architecture for PNT is being implemented by the US DoD and seems to be catching on, as a concept anyway, elsewhere.
- Spirent is a premium corporate supporter of the RNT Foundation.
Tracking the Top PNT Trends for 2025
What should we expect from the regulatory bodies governing GPS/GNSS technologies? Where do we see the greatest threats to GNSS accuracy and safety, and what is the industry doing about them?? These are just some of the questions facing equipment manufacturers, integrators, and others developing position, navigation, and timing (PNT) technologies as they look ahead in the coming year.
As the world’s leading provider of PNT testing solutions for nearly four decades, we’re well positioned to offer some answers. Based on hundreds of engagements we’re conducting worldwide, here are the biggest PNT trends we’re following in 2025.
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