Image: InvestigateTV
What’s new: Coverage of the issue by Gray Media which owns 113 TV stations (which all have news rooms) across the US.
Why it’s important: One way to improve awareness among senior leaders who can fix the problem is by educating the public.
What else to know: The reporter, Brendan Keefe, attended the most recent meeting of the PNT Advisory Board to do the interviews and filming.
Check out the video – pretty darn good!
Dead reckoning: experts warn of looming threat to nation’s GPS
Jamming and spoofing of navigation and timing signals threaten the American economy
Redondo Beach, Calif. (InvestigateTV) – The U.S. economy depends on 31 satellites orbiting the Earth that form the global positioning system (GPS).
Developed half a century ago for the military, GPS is now used daily by more than seven billion devices worldwide. It’s inside your phone; inside your car; and in the cockpit of every airliner.
GPS is also the ultra-precise clock by which the stock market times every trade; the power grid synchronizes generating stations; cell phones operate; and supplies get delivered to stores or your house.
“The GPS utility and usefulness has kind of crept into society and the average citizen doesn’t ever see it,” said Brad Parkinson, who developed GPS for the U.S. Air Force in the 1970s. “They don’t realize the harm that would be done if it suddenly weren’t.”
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