Image: Shutterstock
What’s New: We got a letter Friday from the Dept. of Defense. It was about our Aug 2021 request under the Freedom of Information Act. Their letter said ‘we haven’t gotten to it yet. Do you still want the info?’
Why It’s Important:
- If you wait long enough the ‘information’ usually becomes useless except to historians.
- Like most big organizations, DoD doesn’t seem to like being transparent or answering to the general public. We wonder if:
- DoD under-resources their FOIA office as a way of not having to answer questions from the public?
- The lack of an answer means they haven’t done anything to comply with the will of Congress?
- We have seen PNT-related legislation that says ‘we are holding back part of your budget until you at least answer us about what we told you to do.’ – So it might not be just the general public DoD doesn’t answer.
What Else to Know: Our letter asked about what DoD had done or said concerning two provisions in the 2021 NDAA:
- Development of a multi-GNSS receiver, and
- Development of a resilient and survivable positioning, navigation, and timing capability.
We are going to tell them we are still interested.