Image: Sculpture of what happens to gear that does not comply with ICDs.  RNT Foundation Image

What’s New: The new ground control system for GPS, called OCX, is nearing completion. Space Force wants to update manufacturers and users about new technical features so no one gets disconnected. 

Why It’s Important: Manufacturers should play close attention to the Interface Control Documents (ICDs). If they don’t they can pay the price:


Public ICWG and Open Forum


September 2023

Meeting Announcement

The Space Force will host the 2023 Public Interface Control Working Group and Open Forum for the following documents:

This meeting is open to the general public where public participation is welcomed.

The purpose of this meeting is to update the public on proposed GPS public document changes, collect issues/comments for analysis and adjudicate subject comments for possible incorporation into future GPS public document revisions.

When OCX is fielded, the current (5) plain text data products (as defined in ICD-GPS-240) will be replaced by (4) XML based data products (as defined in ICD-GPS-870). The new products include the GPS Advisory, GPS Advisory Collection, Ops Status, and the Public Common Almanac.

The meeting will also present a conversion tool and other information necessary for GPS users to access the new product(s) and ensure backwards compatibility.

For those who would like to attend this meeting, we request that you register at your soonest convenience (no later than September 6, 2023). Please send your registration information to [email protected]; providing your name, organization, telephone number, email address, and country of citizenship.

Backup dial-in & screen share website will only be used in case of primary system technical difficulties.

The official public notice in the Federal Register will provide further information and instructions for meeting registration, comment submission, and dial-in.


Date and Time:

September 27, 2023
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PDT

Register by September 6, 2023



Virtual Participation:

Join via ZoomGovDial-in: +1 571-200-1700;
Meeting ID: 161 531 3774#
Passcode: 771952#

BACKUP (only if needed)
Join via TeamsDial-in: +1 410-874-6740
Meeting ID: 614 293 598#

Points of Contact:

[email protected]

Captain Rick Merchant

Maj Cobb Brandon