Image: NASA, RNTF & Shutterstock
Blog Editor’s Note: Another fine piece by RNTF member Diana Furchtgott-Roth.
She sums up the situation pretty well… but we always feel compelled to add our two cents.
True that Congress never funded implementation of the National Timing Resilience and Security Act. Also true that no administration has ever requested funding. So, a shared responsibility, and a shared leadership failure.
The good news is that there is plenty of money in the Infrastructure and Investment Act to address this issue. But it has never been a matter of money. Only leadership attention and concern – both in administrations and in Congress.
Let your elected representatives know this is important.
For suggestions on who to write and what to say send us a note to [email protected].
No one knows what Russia will do next, including potentially jamming America’s Global Positioning System (GPS). With Congressional passage of the omnibus spending bill for 2022 imminent, reasonable people should ask: Where is the funding in the budget to back up GPS?
America’s economy depends on GPS, a free service provided by the government. It is essential to vehicle navigation systems, general aviation, financial transactions, the electrical grid, precision agriculture, surveying, and construction. Americans use over 900 million GPS receivers.