PNT is acknowledged as increasingly relevant due to the growth of digitalisation and autonomous systems, the need to ensure resilience and respond to climate challenges and the importance of tracking supply chains and monitoring assets. In accordance with the 2022 EUSPA Market Report, the GNSS market is set to grow steadily in the next decade across a wide range of market segments. In this respect, and for instance, in 2021, the EU Parliament approved a Resolution where it called for the adoption of satellite-based train localisation in railway signalling.

Responding to the growing demand of GNSS services, the EU announced, in January 2022, during the European Space Conference, the acceleration of the deployment of the second generation of Galileo, expected for a launch in 2024, and comprising a set of new capacities and features, such as full electrical propulsion systems. And, in January 2022, the European Commission presented its proposal for extending the agreement on the promotion, provision and use of Galileo and GPS satellite-based navigation systems and related applications between the EU and the US.