Covid – 19 GPS Disruption
Natural flu pandemics rare, but happen:

1918 – H1N1

1957 – H2H2

2020 – Covid-19

Damaging solar flares rare, but happen:

1859 – Carrington Event

1921 – NY Railroad Storm

“More frequent than was thought” Univ of Warwick

Potential terrorist & military weapon Is a terrorist & military weapon
Transportation systems suffer early Transportation systems suffer first
Complex, difficult to understand cascade through society Complex, difficult to understand cascade through networks and systems
Major secondary impacts to social systems Major secondary impacts to tech systems
Severe economic damage Severe economic damage
Virus detection systems available, but not purchased and ready Disruption detection systems available, but not purchased and ready
Government leadership staff, preparation funding reduced before event. Government civil PNT staff, budget, non-space navigation systems reduced before event.

A “black elephant” is a cross between a “black swan” (a rare, low-probability, unanticipated event with enormous ramifications) and “the elephant in the room” (a problem that is widely visible to everyone, yet that no one wants to address, even though we absolutely know that one day it will have vast black-swan-like consequences). – Thomas L. Friedman in “Thank You for Being Late”, citing Adam Sweidan.

Best wishes for good health from the directors and staff at RNT Foundation.