Blog Editor’s Note: We just discovered this recent paper available for free through the Royal Institute of Navigation’s “The Journal of Navigation.” It makes a number of good points about policy, as well as being a good technical review. From the paper’s conclusion:
“…disruptions to GNSS-enabled positioning and navigation have become a global phenomenon. Systems to monitor and report the presence of threats to GNSS signals are increasingly being deployed at locations providing critical public and private services. However, to tackle a global problem the GNSS community requires a global solution.”
GNSS Threat Monitoring and Reporting: Past, Present, and a Proposed Future
- Published online: 07 December 2017
Vulnerability of satellite-based navigation signals to intentional and unintentional interference calls for a high-level overview of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) threats occurring globally to understand the magnitude and evolution of the problem. Therefore, a mechanism needs to be developed whereby disparate monitoring systems will be capable of contributing to a common entity of basic information about the threat scenarios they experience. This paper begins with a literature survey of 37 state-of-the-art GNSS threat monitoring systems, which have been analysed based on their respective operational features – constellations monitored and whether they possess the capability to perform interference-type classification, spoofing detection, and interference localisation. Also described is a comparative analysis of four GNSS threat reporting formats in use today. Based on these studies, the paper describes the Horizon2020 Standardisation of GNSS Threat Reporting and Receiver Testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation (STRIKE3) proposed integrated threat monitoring demonstration system and related standardised threat reporting message, to enable a high-level overview of the prevailing international GNSS threat scenarios and its evolution over time.
Link to download the full report