
While the cherry blossoms are only just beginning to make themselves known, tomorrow (Wednesday the 8th of April) is still going to be a great day to visit Washington, DC for members of the PNT community.

For many, it will begin with a visit to the Folger Shakespeare Library Exhibit “Lost, No Way Home – Ships, Clocks & Stars.” On loan from the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, UK, this exceptional collection displays an amazing array of early navigation tools and documents. Of special interest is Harrison’s original A4 chronometer that helped him win the Longitude Prize.

Some will also attend the Special Committee 131 meeting at the Radio Technical Commission Maritime (RTCM) in Rosslyn. This group is addressing Multi-system Shipborne Navigation and is ensuring that shipboard receivers will be able to integrate terrestrial signals (such as eLoran) with GNSS signals.

clockThen at 6:30 it will be a visit to the Metropolitan Club for dinner and the Annual Meeting of the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation. After a short report from President Dana Goward, members will hear about the future of America’s PNT efforts from leaders in the field. Speakers include DOD CIO Terry Halvorsen, Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf, and the Department of Transportation’s Karen Van Dyke. Equally informative will be the networking and conversations between all of the members of industry and academia who will be in attendance.

From relics of the past to peering into the future. It should be quite a day.

Images of poster and Harrison’s A4 courtesy of Folger Shakespeare Library.